Monday, December 17, 2012

Love; it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free. Be more like the man you were made to be.

I know that yesterday I posted a simple quote and it may have seemed meaningless, in some ways it was meaningless. It was significantly beautiful and heartfelt, but not necessarily anything pertaining to my life right now. This quote, however... This song lyric is everything I feel right now. It's my heart bursting and my emotions welling and tears spilling over for only the happiest reasons. I once wrote one here that the day I could speak/write openly about my parent's divorce would be life changing. Now I can say that my life has been changed. I finally feel safe enough to open up and I opened up and it's done amazing things for me. You have done amazing things for me.
I'm finally courageous. No longer scared. I've always been a lion but now I've got my c-c-courage. Now I can stand up tall and scream my thoughts and laugh and smile and make something of myself. Make something worth your while.

Love has set me free.


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