Thursday, August 30, 2012

free time

In case any of you have been wondering how college has been going for me, here's a lovely picture of what I've been doing in my free time! I love sitting outside against a tree and reading. I currently have a class in a half hour, so I'm near the Physics building, eating lunch and reading this wonderful book of short stories. It's such a beautiful day. I love the way the sunlight shines through the leaves and makes a pattern on the ground, with sunny splotches and sort of a shadowy maze. It's very inspiring.
School has been going really well for me. I started my classes this week and so far I love them all! My Physics: Light and Color lecture is the most boring, really because it's my biggest class and I just sit and listen (aka doodle). BUT, I started reading the text book (I'm going out of my way to get ahead! Yay!) and it's actually incredibly interesting. Mad props to whomever wrote the textbook because it actually holds my interest! Which is necessary since the only homework I ever get is to read. I've read so much the past week... I finished rereading Fight Club, read a significant amount of The Song of Roland, have read countless philosophy articles, read my Physics textbook, read poems, etc... I love to read, I just hope this doesn't become overkill!

Last night I stayed in and did homework instead of hanging out at my favorite frat. So far, so good, in focusing on me and my school work instead of boys. I just have to, have to, have to keep this up.
xo! Foxy

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