Sunday, August 19, 2012

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

For me, the fall starts Wednesday, when I head off, leaving my quaint New Jersey town behind for an exciting adventure and new experience in the beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Which happens to be almost 2000 miles from my home and across the country from every single one of my relatives. I really am taking a leap into the unknown.
I just took a very deep breath. I'm not worried about college the way many people I know are. I know I'll be able to make friends and learn new things and have fun. I know I'll fit right in at CU, because I chose a college that fits me. I'm excited for my classes (specifically Creative Writing and Philosophy/SciFi!), I'm excited to not know people for once, I'm excited to move into my dorm room and be away from my family and friends and to be in a new environment where I can really truly become myself. But that's what I'm worried about.
I've spent so much of this summer depressed. I got really wrapped up in this blanket of security that I made myself, and in doing so lost sight of reality. I made this perfect little world up in my head and I kept myself from experiencing life because nothing was as perfect as what I dreamed. I guess... I'm so aware that I need to figure myself out again. I need to start fresh, one breath at a time, and realize who I am. I have to learn to accept myself all over again, because this past summer I really started to hate everything about myself. This has to happen. I have to break out of this depression and start living life for me.
For the record, you can call me "Foxy." It's a nickname I picked up due to my love of all things Foxes. One of the most important factors of this blog is my ability to remain anonymous. While I may give it out to people I care about, I would like to be able to write freely and without judgement on here. You can expect a lot of... Me in a very raw, personal form.

So that's what this blog is to document. Me on my journey of life, love, and college. My adventure to discover myself, after all, I am a flâneur.

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