Monday, August 20, 2012

This Foxy Gal's Goals For The Year

Those of you who have read my first post are aware that this summer hasn't been my best. I've spent the hot and humid days stumbling between alone and lonely: a very fine line and a very big difference. But what you may not know is that... My senior year of high school was very much the same. While I made very strong relationships with my new teachers, a few  specific friends, and family members; I just didn't feel... At home. I don't know how to explain the feeling exactly. It was like it was planted in the pit of my stomach and as time when on, I felt more and more that I needed somewhere new. To me, uni in Colorado is the chance I've been waiting for. It's finally my chance to find where I genuinely fit in.
With this new life comes many new hopes and dreams. I'm trying more and more to stop thinking about the things I want, as I did over the past year, and instead go after them! So here is a list of my goals, to get me started on my path to me...

1. Be healthier!

I've felt this way for a very long time. I'm always trying to eat healthier foods and in better proportions, to stay in shape, and spend time outdoors. I think in Colorado I'll really get the chance to take control and do this. I've gained a bit of weight this summer that may not be noticeable to most people, but it has affected how I feel about myself. Because of this, I want a me that I can physically be proud of. I want to be able to wear crop tops and short skirts and be proud! So that's what I'm going to do. I plan on eating mostly organic food, with small meals and snacks in between, and I'm going to try to cut back on late night snacks (if I have any, it'll be fruit, veggies, or nuts). As for fitness, I want to do cardio a few times a week (whether in the gym or running around campus), I have a longboard that I plan on using to get to class, I also want to do ab and strength workouts!  I love staying in shape and being healthier, so this will be fun for me.

2. Get Organized!

I'm not sure if this will come as a surprise to many of you, but I'm not the most organized person... In fact, my mind tends to be all over the place when my stuff is, which means that organization is key to me being able to sleep at night. My dear friend Caelan recently wrote a blog post on her survival tips for school (here!) and one of them mentioned that her planner is her bible. This inspired me and I'm now on the lookout for the perfect planner! I want to organize my life because I know it'll have such a positive affect on how I view the world. I want to be able to keep my dorm room clean, so I have space to study and create!

3. Focus on learning!

If you haven't talked to me about what classes I'm taking, you probably haven't heard how ecstatic I am to be taking them. I want to be the girl who wakes up early and strolls to class with a cup of hot tea in her hand! I want to sit in the front row and get to know my teachers and pour my heart and soul into my schoolwork. I chose classes I knew I'd love, and they're really worth being passionate about. I want to learn so many new things this year, to really expand my mind and take in the world. Bill Nye the Science Guy once said "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't," and it's so true! I want to learn not just inside the classroom, but outside too! I just can't wait to get out there and do these things! Here's my schedule...                                                 

4. Write letters to the people that inspire me!

This is one of my favorite goals, partially because it give me so much joy, but also because I already started it! I have a list of people I want to write to that already has three names crossed off the list, two of which I've gotten responses from! The ones I have yet to write to are a bit harder for me to write, some focus on my possible future in screenplay writing (how do I start a letter to my favorite directors?) and some others are much more emotional. Either way, I really love telling people how they've affected my life, even if I've never met them. I believe that everyone deserves to know that they are appreciated!

5. Read more!

This one is sort of a given, but I really want to read more. I didn't read as much as I wanted to this summer, so I'm forcing myself to devot some more time to reading. I have a list of books on Buddhism that have been calling my name the whole summer, and I wouldn't be surprised if I pried them open on the plane before I even reach Colorado! Reading is such an important part of my life and I'm always, always, ALWAYS trying to read more. I think it has had a very positive affect on who I am as a person, plus it makes me happy.

6. Travel!!!

Traveling is a little harder because I'm going to college, and who gets the time to travel while they're a student? But I've always wanted to study abroad, and this year I want to start planning my studying overseas! If possible, I'd love to study Shakespeare in England, Existentialism in France, and Buddhism in like... Thailand or somewhere. I want to experience the world! I love to learn, but there's only so much you can learn when you're in your comfort zone. I want to experience new things and take risks and go places! Which is why number 7 is...

7. Take risks!

(I explained above)

8. Treat myself!

I've never been big on treating myself, But I love fashion... I spend hours drooling over clothes I'm dying to have. I've saved up a lot of money from babysitting, working at a summer camp, and presents, and I feel like it's finally time I go ahead and treat myself. I have wishlists on so many sites that I'm dying to fulfill! Plus, I'd really like to buy myself a nice camera. I'm still debating between film and digital, there's just something so ethereal about film which I love. Maybe I'll ask for a camera for Christmas (I already know what I'm asking my grandparents for...) or maybe it'll be my Christmas present to myself! I used to deny presents, but I've come to realize that everyone deserves to give and receive! They're both lovely experiences.

9. Go to bed earlier!

Okay, so it's currently 10:37 PM here on the east coast. My mom is supposed to get home from work at around 11:30, but I'm actually hoping I'll be in bed before than! Sleep is so essential to everything. It'll affect everything I've already listed, from my eating habits to my studying habits to my general outlook on life. My goal is to be able to go to bed and wake up earlier, and really live each day fully. I also want to start meditating!

10. Live each day to the fullest.

Don't get caught up in the past or future, but really live for today and live for myself, no one else.


I'll probably be adding to this list later on, but I think ten is a good number for now. I guess if anything, bonus number 11 would be to love myself more, but I think that goes hand in hand with everything above. My goals really reflect my ultimate goal to treat my mind, body, and spirit better.


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