Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bill Nye 2012! (and voting ootd!)

I mean seriously, who wouldn't write in this beaut?!
Bill Nye impersonating an alien.

Bill Nye looking snazzy in that bow tie.

The wise words of Bill Nye!

So today is voting day! I didn't actually write in Bill Nye, although I love him dearly. And as a matter of fact, I did not vote for the person he endorsed (President Obama). I am proud to say that for my first ever election, I voted for someone I genuinely believe in... Gary Johnson.
This is in fact a picture of me meeting Gary Johnson! Woooo!
Here are some reasons why I voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson:
Gary Johnson operated as governor of a state with 2:1 of the legislature of the opposite party for two terms, and in those two terms turned a one billion dollar deficit into a one billion dollar surplus without raising a penny in taxes. No other candidate has started his own business and expanded it to employ over 1,000 workers. He wants to completely end the war on drugs. He believes that gay marriage is a constitutional right. He received more "torches" on the ACLU Civil Liberties report card than any candidate. He wants to abolish the government's ability of surveillance, torture, and racial profiling, and take away some of the power the government has, giving it back to the people. He's prochoice of course. Also, he climbed Mount Everest. :) Many people tell me that my vote won't count but if he gets 5% of votes, there's a significant chance third party candidates will be included in the debates in the next election. So my vote is for the future.

And now onto the fun stuff! I'm not usually one for outfit of the day posts, but I did dress for 'MURICA today!


my favorite bumble bee socks!

My shirt is from Francesca's, pants are from Ann Taylor Loft, shoes are converse, snazzy bumble bee socks are actually Burt's Bees, and my sticker is from voting! Hip hip hooray for voting! I live in a swing state so this is extra exciting over here in my fox hole. But I believe that everyone who can vote, should vote because every vote counts. So go out there and get your votin' on!

Patriotic as eva,

1 comment:

  1. YES YES YES YES OH YES!!! I support your views, and I think you've got a lovely head on your shoulders!!
