Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekend Magic!

So, this weekend has been particularly nice. As I write this, I feel really relieved because in some ways, I feel as though I'm finally starting to find my niche here. I went to Target yesterday and bought some lovely items for my ever so lovely room! I got some dish ware, which consists of a bowl and a cup, peach mango seltzer, delicious trail mix, dark chocolate chips that I added to my trail mix, some raspberry jam, a warm pear drink thing, cookie dough, some paper plates and plastic silverware, and some new make up! Overall, yesterday was really quite splendid. I spent the day shopping with the girl who is possibly my closest friend in college, Alli. We joked around in Target and had way too much fun in Victoria's Secret. We're trying to get our friends who have a house off campus to host a Lingerie themed party! As it turns out, we're both relatively obsessed with underwear. No big deal. At all. Going into Victoria's Secret was incredibly exciting because they had all their Christmas lingerie out!! It made me want a boyfriend. Sort of. Not really even. I just want lingerie. Christmas... Lingerie. Everything was so sparkly! I totally felt like I'd be an ornament in some of it. So exciting. Thus, a boyfriend would be an excuse to buy some! Alli has a boyfriend, but we're both planning on getting Christmas Lingerie no matter what. Do these not make you want to put a bow on your head and get comfy under the christmas tree! To be a gift for someone special, or hell, just hop on the tree and be an ornament?! Here are some of my favorite sparkly pieces...

 Gosh, I started to totally get into the Christmas spirit. It's not that I'm skipping over Thanksgiving, because I absolutely love love love Thanksgiving. My excitement is over this time of year. Halloween into Thanksgiving into Christmas. It's all so magical and astonishing. Breathtaking. And I cannot wait to be home for Thanksgiving! I love getting to see my whole family and pigging out on delicious food and playing football together. This is why Autumn is my favorite season. And why the line "it's the most wonderful time of the year," (pertaining to the season of Christmas) is so unbelievably true! Anyway, more about the weekend... Alli and I ended up in Starbucks, where I flirted with the barista and actually got a free treat! I also told him that I was going to marry him. Again, no big deal. But he was totally fun and cute and I'm going to go back and visit him sometime.
Eventually Alli and I ended up in my room taking pictures of ourselves. See here....

And my personal favorite........

I even got to talk to one of my best friends from home, Doug, on the phone last night!! He's one of my favorite people, so of course I told him all about my Christmas spirit and the Christmas lingerie I am in dire need of. You think I'm joking, but Doug and I are very, very open with each other! We also talked about our pancake movie night over Thanksgiving break (I CAN'T WAIT) and this essay he wrote on existentialism and all these tiny little things that made my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I love Douglas. And Alli. Saturday was the perfect reminder of all the little things that make me absolutely ecstatic about living life.

Then today... I spent a significant amount of today rearranging and organizing my room, and I must say, it's making me beam. (and sneeze, apparently!) My bed is in the perfect place and the book shelf is all neat and wonderful, my posters look fantastic. I only have to fold my clothes and hang my lights and my room is done! My roommate moved out (which I honestly could not be happier about) and now my bed is perfectly in this one corner and it's so comfy and nice. I love being by the window and getting the perfect breeze while I sleep and waking up to the sunshine and everything. I'm so glad with how my room came out and it's making me feel much more productive. Suddenly I want to get ahead in my classes, it's quite fantastic. I also got to play with handcuffs today. My friends were joking around and handcuffed me and my friend Zach together. Then I got handcuffed to a railing. So then we handcuffed Zach to the girl's bathroom door. And now I have the handcuffs in my room. Scandalous. I love college! Plus I'm just feeling really good about myself and everything. In this moment, I could not be happier. I want to do great things (and wear great underwear).

It's beginning to look a lot like... Pure joy. I'm so glad to be in my skin.


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