Thursday, November 29, 2012


the split second in between heart beats when I am unable to hold your gaze and my eyes drop, biting my lip I slowly bring my eyes back up to you before again looking away. Your heart wrenching blue eyes are moments before mine, and I crave nothing more than to break the silence by pulling your face to mine and stooping to breathe in your breath. I imagine you taste like weed and toothpaste, a combination that only makes my head spin when it's coming from you. When you trace maps on my skin, my whole body shivers, I have goosebumps down to my bare bones. Somehow the way your arm drapes over my body and pulls me in tight makes me feel at home, the comforter engulfing us like a warm sea, with you I'm safe. With my head on your chest I can hear the loud thump and I wonder if the erratic beat is because you're nervous too, are you nervous too? In between beats I look up into your eyes for the smallest moment. If only I could find it in me to kiss you.

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