Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't Let Me Down.

To be utterly honest, as of recently I've been getting very sick of you. I feel as though you treat me almost differently than everyone else. You take me for granted. You cut me off. You feel the need to bask in light. What you don't realize is that I'd be more than willing to let you, if you didn't go about it in such a vicious way. I feel uncomfortable around you. You're always trying to get me to care about you and worship you to such a degree that I've run out of ways to respond to you. The things you say... They all sound the same. I'm tired. I'm so exhausted. You always feel the need to be better at everything and it's draining me. Being a know it all isn't attractive. I'm sorry if I'm a bad friend but you're wearing me out. I wish you'd open your eyes a little bit. Stop talking about yourself all the time and maybe listen.

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