Saturday, March 16, 2013

Last week I found something I had previously written, in which I begged whatever all mighty power, to please let me pass in my sleep. It breaks my heart to say this, but right now I wish it had happened. I feel so worthless always. So alone. I feel like I'm going to get no where in life. And the worst... I feel like I'm not really living. I feel like I'm wasting away, I feel like I'm wasted potential. Someone else could be living my life and they could be happy. Someone else deserves to be alive and well and I'm honestly not sure I deserve anything. I mean, if I'm not really living, if I'm just wasting away in my dorm room always studying, then what's the point?
Why am I still here?
I could never kill myself. I could never hurt the people I love. But I feel like such a waste of breath. I can't do anything right.

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