Tuesday, March 26, 2013

save some time for me

I tend to miss you a lot when you go, especially since you go a lot. Why are you always the one leaving me? I guess sometimes I wish you'd run to me instead. But it'll happen, or I at least hope it will. I hope that one day you'll act on how you feel. That one day you'll grab me and kiss me. That one day you'll admit to never wanting to let me go. That you'll admit to wanting me, to wanting me to keep you company, to wanting to kiss me. I pray that one day you find yourself able to put in the effort you want to put in. I'm not sure if you're scared or just busy. But I hope one day you have time for me. Maybe one day you'll be throwing rocks at my window again, asking to see me. I miss the days when you would come to me. I only wish they'd come back. I know you feel the same way I do. Please show it. Please prove me right. Please love me the way I love you. Don't let me go.

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