Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today I realized something... I never really write about my parents' divorce. I think it's a wall, it's clearly a Brick wall that I keep up. What happens when it comes down? There's some quote I've seen float around about how the more you see of someone, the more vulnerable they are, in all the little moments that no one else sees or notices, the more you love them. Would opening up be the catalyst I need? Some form of creative catharsis?
I read this short story, "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" by Delmore Schwartz... In it the narrator goes to a silent film and ends up watching his parents' courting each other. He knows what a terrible thing their marriage will be and that they will produce monsters and yells at the film and tries to change the past, tries to prevent the relationship to happen, even if it means that he is never born...

I dunno what I'm saying. Maybe one day I'll figure it out and be able to actually articulate what I'm trying to say..

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