Sunday, January 13, 2013

Becoming Positive.

Something I tend to struggle with is staying positive. It's not that I'm an unhappy person necessarily, but I so easily get trapped in my head - in the worst way possible. As in, I just recently read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, which is a first person narrative, and I so deeply connected to the thoughts of the main character that it scared me a bit... It honestly continues to scare me. But the difference between Sylvia Plath's writings and me is that I continue to have hope and search for the little amazing things in life. Hence my post a little while ago about things to be happy about. My blog so often gets moody because it is a place for me to unwind when my thoughts are plaguing me, but I want to continue to remind myself that there are wondrous things in the world to embrace and be happy about.

I wrote a relatively long list of New Year's resolutions, not because I feel the need to resolve every aspect of my life, but because in general, there are a lot of things I want to be constantly working towards. For example, my body. I'm always trying to be healthier, but on my resolution list I wrote out how I plan on doing just that. This includes drinking more water (I don't drink soda ever, I almost always drink water, I simply want to drink about 2 liters of water a day), going to bed on time, stretching and meditating daily, working out on a regular basis, eating healthier, etc... The reason why I like to write things out, multiple times, is because it acts as a reminder to myself. When I write these positive thoughts and goals down, or simply say them out loud, I am confirming their importance in my life.

So here is my insanely long list of resolutions, by putting them on my blog, I'm telling the world that I am going to make these important changes in my life. And honestly, to me they are changes for life, these resolutions are the growth I crave as a person. I want to always, always be taking more steps toward these goals, not just for 2013, but for my life. My scanner is misbehaving because my printer is out of black ink, which is silly since the two actions aren't quite connected. But whatevs, maybe one day y'all will get a better picture. Until then, here ya go... (Also, there is no concrete reason why be more flexible is written in purple - it just happened... Awk).

So now, I'm going to do something that I don't do enough, and I'm sure plenty of other people in the world don't do enough - I'm going to give myself credit. I've already actively been making changes to my lifestyle, and I deserve to be proud of how far I'm coming. On my list I have...
00. sleep
Although I have no doubt this has been affected by the time difference between New Jersey and Boulder, I have been actively going to bed earlier than 1 am, sometimes even earlier than 11 pm! This also means that I've been waking up much earlier, which is lovely. I really want to get into a good sleep schedule with classes starting (tomorrow!!!!) (And yes, I am excited for my classes to start).
3. Drink more water
I'm drinking a glass of water right now. I really am trying to always, always have water. I plan on getting a Brita filter so my roommate and I can always have fresh water in our fridge. I also plan on buying a new, really nice, water bottle when I go buy some of my books from the bookstore. This way, I can always have water with me and can drink it throughout the day. (I plan on buying some books tomorrow and Tuesday; water bottle, here I come!)
4. Be more organized
I got back to Boulder quite early, in fact, I got back before the dorms opened and stayed a night at my boyfriend's house (which I probably would have done any way). He went on a two day skiing trip while I moved back into my dorm. And although I hate being alone more than almost anything else on the planet (new resolution to add to my list: learn to appreciate the beauty in being alone), I got shit done. I unpacked everything from break (usually this takes me a few weeks), color coded my closet, and really started to figure out the important stuff in my life. I got organized not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. I went to the doctor while my boyfriend was away, worked on his birthday presents, and really devoted time to focusing on the things that I value. Plus, before I left to come back to Boulder, I bought myself a very nifty finance book. It has a bunch of folders for receipts and all this awesome organizationy stuff. I am going to use the shit out of this finance book for a variety of reasons and it is kind of empowering. Not only that, but I also have the coolest planner ever, called the "Disappointments Diary." I ordered it all the way from the UK 'cause I'm crazy like that. But it's hilarious and perfect and I love British homour. (Spelled humor with a "u," 'cause duh, British)
Anyway, here's an awesome picture of my color coordinated closet 'cause it's perf and perf. (Sorry about the terrible lighting, roomie and I are planning on installing lights asap)
5. Read more books!
I am no longer an English major, officially a double major in Philosophy and Film with a minor in Creative Writing. Although this is technically much more work, it allows me to devote my time to personal reading! Since the beginning break I've read 2.5 books, which isn't much, but I'm getting back into the reading world! I read Slaughterhouse-Five, The Bell Jar, and am halfway through rereading Skellig! I love diving into my books, it's one of those things that makes me genuinely happy!
6. Do more things for Jack
Recently my lovely boyfriend and I exchanged Christmas presents, and even more recently was his birthday (so pretty much I gave him more presents). To me, this wasn't just about buying things for him, a lot of the effort I put into his presents was personal because I also made him stuff. I don't think I've ever felt so good about the things I've gotten someone. From new art supplies and a sketchbook that I wrote in and personalized (Christmas presents), to an awesome shirt, a book I knew he'd love, and mix CDs that I poured myself into (birthday presents), not only was he a happy camper, but I was over the moon to do these things for my fantastic boyfriend! I can possibly credit the act of giving as the thing that makes me happiest. Period. I love to give, and I especially love to give to the people I care about because it allows me to illustrate the fact that I do care. 
And I've been listening to the CDs/playlists. I'm so proud of them, I even edited some songs in garage band and included a hidden track. Yessssssssss!

I could continue to go on about all the steps I'm taking to making both myself and my life better, but I'm going to stop here. The fact that I could keep listing things, however, says a lot and makes me even more proud of myself. Sometimes I forget to give myself credit for the things I do and the effort I'm constantly putting in, but writing these lists always helps me to smile.

I'm going to end this with some empowering quotes that I plan on also adorning my room with.

And this... I'm sure someone will take what I'm about to say the wrong way, but part of me feels this applies to me. I have no idea what I am and I'm still trying to learn how to appreciate myself, it's the thing I struggle with the most in the world and one of the things I've heard the most from other people. Unprecedented means "without previous incidence; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled," with synonyms being "unique, extraordinary, exceptional, novel..." I'm not saying that I'm this special pearl or hidden gem, in all honesty, everyone is unique in their own way. I just mean that... I struggle to appreciate my unique differences. I really do have no idea what I am. Whenever someone tells me, I try so hard to grasp it but I cannot yet fathom it. Maybe I never will be able to, but hopefully one day I'll be able to see the beauty in myself. You know?

And my current favorite song EVER you have to listen to it, it's heaven and makes me so giggly-happy. Really just the first line... Perf.
"Well, he feels like an elephant,
shaking his big grey trunk for the hell of it"
I just imagine an elephant shaking his trunk for no concrete reason and it makes me giggle and smile and want to kiss the sky

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